www.premierestateswine.co.uk (together “our site”) uses cookies to differentiate between different users on our site. This enables us to provide you with the best experience when browsing our site and also means that we can improve the user experience of our site.
A cookie is a small file of letters and digits stored on your browser or the hard disc of your computer. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard disc.
We use the following cookies:
Strictly necessary cookies: these cookies are required for our site to be able to work in your browser. They include, for example, cookies that allow you to log into secure pages of our site or to use the shopping basket.
Analytical/performance cookies: these enable us to recognise and monitor the number of visitors to each site page and to see how visitors navigate our site. This information is useful in that we can use it to improve site functionality, for example, by ensuring that visitors can find the information or product that they are looking for with ease.
Functionality cookies: these enable the site to remember visitors when they return to our site. This allows us to personalise your site experience and recall any personal preferences.
Google Analytics (_utm) - These cookies enable Google Analytics software. This software helps us to analyse visitor information such as browser usage, visitor numbers, what pages visitors are viewing and which products they are buying.
Google Adwords conversion tracking - This is a Google cookie that helps us to analyse how customers are purchasing products from our website. This information helps us understand what works more successfully for us in terms of sponsored advertising on search engines, website design and layout, promotions and other key identifiers. The cookie doesn't contain any personal information about our customers. https://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=93148
Share buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+) - These cookies are required to allow customers to share their shopping experiences through social media such as Facebook and Twitter etc. Please be aware that if you do choose to share through these social media providers, we don't control the setting of these cookies and we recommend that you check the provider's website for further information.
_session_id, unique token, sessional, Allows Shopify to store information about your session (referrer, landing page, etc).
_shopify_visit, no data held, Persistent for 30 minutes from the last visit, Used by our website provider’s internal stats tracker to record the number of visits.
_shopify_uniq, no data held, expires midnight (relative to the visitor) of the next day, Counts the number of visits to a store by a single customer.
cart, unique token, persistent for 2 weeks, Stores information about the contents of your cart.
_secure_session_id, unique token, sessional storefront_digest, unique token, indefinite If the shop has a password, this is used to determine if the current visitor has access.
Cookie Name | Cookie Description |
checkout | This cookie is used to analyse customer behaviour on the checkout page and to track whether or not a customer completes the checkout process. |
_ga | This cookie assigns and stores a Client ID for each site visitor. It is used by the Google analytics tracking software. |
_vwo_uuid_v2 | This cookie name is associated with the product Visual Website Optimiser, by USA based Wingify. The tool helps site owners measure the performance of different versions of web pages. This cookie ensures a visitor always sees the same version of a page and is used to track behaviour to measure the performance of different page versions. |
_lo_u | This cookie tells the Lucky Orange analytics app if the user is a unique visitor to the site. |
_lo_uid | This Lucky Orange app cookie generates a unique user id for each web site visitor which is not personally identifiable. The app provides us with information about how visitors use our website. |
lo_session_in | A session cookie generated by the Luck Orange analytics app which is erased when the user closes the Web browser. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed. Session cookies do not collect information from the user's computer. They typically will store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user. |
_lo_v | A cookie generated by the Luck Orange analytics app which notes the total number of visits from this user. |
cookieconsent_dismissed | A cookie generated when the user accepts the use of cookies on our website. The cookie persists for a year or until the user deletes all cookies. |
smart-payment-buttons-experiment-mpo-clarity | A cookie generated by the paypal express feature of the website checkout to enable secure payments. |
_gid | This cookie is associated with Google Universal Analytics. It stores and updates a unique value for each webpage visited. |
wsg_referrer | Part of the W3 Counter software, which provides website statistics. |
wsg_pages | Part of the W3 Counter software, which provides website statistics. |
_shopify_ga | This cookie identifies when a Client ID visits the checkout page. The info is passed to the Google analytics tracking software. |
cart | Unique token, persistent for 2 weeks, stores information about the contents of your cart |
_secure_session_id | Unique token, sessional storefront_digest, unique token, indefinite If the shop has a password, this is used to determine if the current visitor has access. |
_session_id, unique token, sessional | Allows Shopify to store information about your session (referrer, landing page, etc). |
_landing_page | Tracks landing pages. |
_orig_referrer | Tracks landing pages. |
_s | Shopify analytics. |
_shopify_fs | Shopify analytics. |
_shopify_s | Shopify analytics. |
_shopify_sa_p | Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals. |
_shopify_sa_t | Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals. |
_shopify_uniq | Shopify analytics. |
_shopify_y | Shopify analytics. |
_y | Shopify analytics. |
ab_test_3190590030 | Shopify analytics. |
cart_sig | Shopify analytics. |
ki_r | Shopify analytics. |
ki_t | Shopify analytics. |
_shopify_visit | Shopify analytics. |
tracked_start_checkout | Shopify analytics relating to checkout. |
_ab | Used in connection with access to admin. |
_orig_referrer | Used in connection with shopping cart. |
_secure_session_id | Used in connection with navigation through a storefront. |
Cart | Used in connection with shopping cart. |
cart_sig | Used in connection with checkout. |
cart_ts | Used in connection with checkout. |
checkout_token | Used in connection with checkout. |
Secret | Used in connection with checkout. |
Secure_customer_sig | Used in connection with customer login. |
storefront_digest | Used in connection with customer login. |
Contact us for more information about the specific cookies we use and their purpose.